Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Harry Potter 7.1

M: I am going to say that this may be the least good of the Harry Potters to date, at least in my book. That is not a huge knock, because it has been a great series, but this just didn't have the story line to make it a great movie. It is a good half-a-movie. Very good special effects that are worth seeing. And some good acting by our now grown friends. 2 1/2 stars

V: I am a huge fan of the books and the series. I really liked this movie. It had great suspense. It caught the frustrating dreariness of the first half of the 7th book which takes place largely in the forest or some other wilderness, hiding and waiting and wondering what to do. The scene where Harry tries to bring a little cheer with some music and dancing was great. It's not the best one yet, but it was nicely done. I really enjoyed it. I think it was necessary to break the 7th into 2 movies, it will not rob the conclusion by rushing through it. Because of this movie (with all its waiting and hiding and agonizing) - the conclusion will be more satisfying. 3 stars

1 comment:

kate said...

i so enjoy your movie reviews. makes me feel like we're talking about movies over dinner like we like to do. :) i liked harry potter too, but had just re-read book 7 before we went to see it. i was bummed they didn't really have voldemort on harry's heels the whole time like in the book, he's just off somewhere else looking for the wand and stuff. took away some of the suspense for me. liked the rest though!