Friday, January 28, 2011

Mansfield Park

M: This is the sassy Jane Austin, with lots of loose moral behavior going on. An all-around good show. I like the heroine. I like the actor (Eli Stone guy) who played the hero, but I didn't really care for his part too much. I never really dig a show that has one of its main love interests pine for someone else the entire show only to quickly change their mind at the end. Not as romantic I guess. Plus, they didn't become filthy rich in the end, what's up with that Jane? 3 stars

V: This is the third time I've seen this. I think it is stylistically done. I like it. It is a little harsher than other Austen's, but it goes beyond the book, as the opening credits reveal. They add in some stuff from letters and journals (and maybe a few other things.) I like it. I think the hero, Edmund (aka Eli Stone) did actually love Fanny the whole time. He was caught up in social expectations and, yeah, a really pretty and seemingly charming woman. Anyway, that's what I think. 3 stars

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