Thursday, September 15, 2011

Win Win

M: Watched this edited with our good friends. A good show, with lots of language edited out. Liked it a lot though. 3 stars.

V: And by "good friends" we mean brother and sister-in-law, too. I really love Paul Giamatti. He's one of my favorite actors. I also liked the kid, who was hilariously mellow, but also a bit shelled because of a bad family life. Paul's character and his wife, are people you can relate to, trying to do their best by their family and by this kid. I liked it. 3 stars

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau

M: I liked the idea, and like the movie. It wasn't great. It didn't really explain why the Adjustment Bureau did what it did, and it didn't really explain why it was ok, in the end, to do something different. All in all, I thought it was fairly enjoyable and worth seeing. 2 1/2 stars.

V: Interesting idea.  I like Matt Damon and Emily Blunt.  It was entertaining.  Didn't quite tie it all together, some weak explanations.  But, take it as an action movie, not a philosophical one. 2 1/2 stars

True Grit

M: So, I'm going to get myself in trouble, but I didn't think that this was as great a movie as everybody seemed to make it out to be. Yes, it is good looking, and yes, the girl was very-very good. But as far as the story goes, it wasn't that great. I thought there would be more to it than "let's get revenge," and "ok, we got revenge." Plus, I couldn't really understand everything that was said, which is a shame because the lines were the best part of this movie. Don't get me wrong, its a good movie. But, after all the best picture buzz it got, I expected more. 3 stars.

V: It is truly gritty.  The little girl is pretty good.  I think that Jeff Bridges was good, too - but I could not understand what he was saying 80% of the time.  So I guess I could re-watch it with subtitles, but I won't.  I, too, thought, "That was it?" at the end.  It was good, not great. 3 stars