Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hellboy II

M: V and I really enjoyed the first Hellboy (see our full movie review chart). I found it quirky, lovable, and fun, mixed in with some great action. So I have looked forward to seeing the sequel, even though it took a while to get around to it. Man, was I disappointed. This show lacked the things that made the original great. I didn't feel for the characters, even Hellboy himself was just not as engaging. At times the storyline was weak, it felt like it was pointed heavily toward readers of the comics. At other times it was just plain dumb. The romances were lame, and I wanted to punch the German robot man in his metal face, not good. The movie seemed to build toward sequels to come, but now, I am not sure I care if they do come. Very disappointed. 2 stars

V: I don't think I hated it as much as M did. It was very odd and disjointed, though. First movie was much better. 2 1/2 stars.