Tuesday, August 18, 2009


V: I think the only thing I didn't love about this movie is the title. But maybe it was hard to come with something that didn't sound cheesy - and I really had very little idea what was going to happen in this movie after the old man went "up." So I guess that added to the fun. This movie was very funny and very sweet. I almost cried twice. But I held it together. (And you can't prove otherwise because the theater was dark.) The montage of the man and his wife was one of the greatest things I've seen - so sweet. This movie is full of heart, so I don't recommend it to ornery curmudgeons. The rest of you will love it. 4 stars.

M. I agree with V, that the montage and the movie were very-very touching, and up to the point when they took flight, the movie was absolutely fantastic. From there, it got a little silly for me. I didn't care for the bad guy and all his dogs. Maybe I got too much hype going into this one, and had unrealistic expectations. Don't get me wrong, this is a very well done movie, and I loved the idea, and the first half-hour. I just wasn't blown away by where the movie went from there. So, it could definitely be higher, and I am on the fence, but I have to give it, 3 stars.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Forever Strong

M: While watching this movie, my sister-in-law made the comment that sports movies are way more sappy than "Chic Flicks." In this case, its true. This movie heaps on the sap and the cheese without any sense of shame. Not since August Rush have I murmured and shaken my head so much watching a movie. The best part of the show was its giggling and snide comments opportunities. Was the Highland rugby team really so darn nice, and was the team from Arizona really so *$#@ evil. I mean the transitioning from the scenes of one team talking about their brothers who played before, while changing old ladies' tires and visiting children in the hospital, to the other team spitting beer on their friend who wouldn't drink and framing him with drug charges because he wasn't cool anymore. Seriously? Don't get me wrong, I love a sports movie. Hoosiers is classic, and is not itself cheese free. But come on, there has to be a limit. This movie made "The Notebook" look like a documentary about life in the country. Unacceptable. 1 1/2 stars.

V: I didn't see the whole thing, so I won't give a rating. I did pop my head in to watch a couple of minutes in the middle, and had to leave it. I suggest you do the same.

M: You know, some people really love this show, so maybe I am missing something. But is was so overdone. And I am from Utah, home of Highland, and where the movie was made and supposedly took place, and I have never met a goofy Russian with Rastafarian hair like the one portrayed in the movie. We don't have many folks like that here. Not to say it isn't possible, but I have a feeling that was artistic license and comic relief at work. Some cool scenes around familiar places in Salt Lake, maybe that should give the movie a bump in the rating. Mmmm, Maybe.

Star Trek

M: Absolutely loved it. Blew me away. The movie was just the right mix of paying homage to the original while allowing itself the freedom to depart as it needed. Intense from the opening scene. 4 stars.

V: I LIKED this movie. It was really enjoyable. I did not love it, but I LIKED it. I never got bored. It was funny. Fun to see the classic characters reincarnated (in the past). Time travel always gets a little messy though. And there were just too many spaceships. Spaceships are boring. Just my own little bias. 3 stars.

Harry Potter 6

M: A rare full price movie. We try to catch the Harry Potter's in the theater. This was the best looking Harry Potter yet. Amazing. On the other hand, the story did not seem compelling. I loved the book, yet the movie did not do it justice. The movie, like the book, simply moved toward the 7th book, with no real resolution on its own. But, with a movie, it is nice to have some resolution. Also, the Harry and Ginnie in a field scene was not in the book, yet they cut so many things out that were in the book. What's up with that. Also, I didn't like the changes to the end, where Harry had been frozen under a cloak in the book, and he was just kind of hiding in the movie, not as good. Plus, now I hear that the 7th book is going to be split into two movies. That seems excessive. Our Harry Potter in the theater streak may end. Nevertheless, very good looking movie. 3 stars.

V: I agree that it looked great. And I thought there was a lot of fun humor in this movie. The field scene was really weird. And there were tiny things that bugged me making it not a 4 star movie - but otherwise - I really enjoyed it! There were some genuinely scary things in this one - I did jump and grab onto Mike's arm (or was it his head) during the cave with the dead thingies scene. Malfoy is growing on me. And Slughorn was really great. 3 1/2 stars.

M: I agree that Slughorn was fantastic. Not what I imagined, but so good.

Monsters vs Aliens

M: We went and saw this in the Dollar. Not a bad way to go. The kids loved it, and it was a fun movie. It is not going to change your life, but it is pretty good. 2 1/2 stars.

V: The blob guy is super funny, especially when it thinks the boyfriend is really his. Cute show. 3 stars.

Monday, August 10, 2009

We've Been Busy

Coming Up!

Monsters vs. Aliens
Harry Potter
Star Trek
Forever Strong