Thursday, August 19, 2010

Whip It

V: So, I kinda liked this movie about a high school girl who wants to join the roller-derby. It had a lot of actors that I like. The dad and the coach were always funny. The mom, just really good - Marcia Gay Hardin - she's just such a great actress. Kristin Wiig is great - one of our favorite SNL staples. Ellen Page is very natural. You kind of know how it's all going to turn out, but it wasn't one-sided. Ellen's character, Bliss, comes to see her parents' point of view, just as they come to see hers. So she grows up a bit. The movie's got that mellow indie feel. Directed by Drew Barrymore, who plays Smashley Simpson. I enjoyed it. 3 stars

M. Great cast, Drew Barrymore, Ellen Page, Alia Shawkat (Arrested Development), Jimmy Fallon, and Kristin Wiig (whose Penelope Character is change-your-life-funny). Unfortunate, not a great movie. In fact, I give Whip It this years Worst Use of Talent Award. V and I really differ on this one. For the most part, I found it predictable, cliche, and annoying. It was a bizarre mixture of inspiring sports movie, slapstick comedy, and family drama. For me, it was really disappointing. 2 stars.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kill Bill (Edited)

M: Kill Bill is 111 minutes long. The edited version V and I watched came in at 88 minutes. So, with 23 minutes missing, I suppose this review should be taken with a grain of salt. I didn't buy it. It was quirky, but, between the quirkiness and the editing, I didn't know what quirks were purposeful and what quirks were simply editing. Extremely violent. I mean, extremely. The editing may have made it choppy, but without the editing it would have just been vulgar. I just wasn't a fan. 2 stars.

V: So they fought a lot. And then they fought a little bit more. And sometimes when they fought they flew through the air, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon-style. And sometimes they were cartoons. So, it was kind of stylish, but otherwise, y'know, they just fought. So, yeah, meh. They fought. 2 stars.


V: What an interesting, unique movie! M and I sat through the credits and then walked out of the theater in silence, just so much to think about. It was a cool concept involving dreams and dreams within dreams. I won't include any spoilers, here. There are times with wild action and violence, but it's inside dreams, so the people are "pretend", and it doesn't seem so bad. Leonardo DiCaprio and the rest of the cast are great. There are some super-cool effects, and amazing images. I was thoroughly captivated and interested. I loved it. 4 stars

M: Great show. Took a while to figure out what was going on. Then, at the end, V and I could agree on what it all meant. But, I think that it is a deep and well thought out movie that is absolutely worth seeing. I would love to go further, but I can't think of what to say that would not include spoilers. After you watch it, which you should, call me, we can discuss. 3 1/2 stars

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

News Radio

M: This is one of my favorite TV shows ever. I just finished watching the first season and half of the second on Hulu has the first 4 seasons right now. A fantastic show with a great cast, including Phil Hartman. Check it out. 3 1/2 stars.

V: Pretty funny. It is good to see Phil Hartman. 3 stars.