Friday, November 18, 2011

Doc Martin

M: This is a 4 season British comedy about an elite surgeon who develops a phobia of blood, and moves to a small coastal town to become a general practice doctor. The characters are great, the scenery beautiful, and the story fun. We really enjoyed this, and recommend it. 3 1/2 stars

V: Oh, I loved Doc Martin, and I'm sad that our watching has come to an end. (And it only ended because the series did.) Doc Martin, the character, is true to his curmudgeonly self throughout. (Well-acted by Martin Clunes.) The rest of the characters are fun and endearing. Social problems, strange diseases and a tense romance - we loved our evening visits to the telly and that beautiful coastal village - we want to go to there. FYI - on Netflix it is unrated - it's probably about a TV-14 for occasional medical gore. - 3 1/2 stars

Harry Potter 7.2

M: A very good finish to a good movie series and a classic book series. Great special effects. The thing that impressed me the most was that I never thought, wow, what a special effect. It all felt real. It has been fun to watch the actors grow up, and they were all good, especially Harry. 3 1/2 stars

V: Hooray Harry Potter! Loved the books and the movies. This was a v ery satisfying final movie. I thought it was great. There was one little thing that I would have done differently - and that was the expression on Harry's face after it's all over and he's walking through Hogwarts, which has been devastated by the last battle. He has a slight grin - I don't think that was appropriate. Some of his friends died in that battle, not to mention what an incredible toll it must have taken on him through all those years being hunted by You-Know-Who. I think I would have preferred to see him collapse and weep a little bit. Yeah, he won. But it wasn't a soccer, er, football game. What has just happened was truly horrific and ahead lies rebuilding and healing. I think soberness is called for. But maybe that's just me, I like to wallow in tragedy sometimes. It's cathartic. Okay - BUT - otherwise, a really great movie. And the effects were seamless! I loved the whole, exciting Potter series. 3 1/2 stars

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Red Shoes

V: Only I watched this - a favorite of mine from childhood. NOT that this is a children's film, no, no, no. But I loved ballet, and this was about ballet, so I loved it. It's difficult for me to give it a very honest review because it is so tied to my nostalgia. I had seen it so often, knew the lines so well. What did I gain from it watching it 20 years later? Mostly an appreciation for Anton Walbrook, who played the obsessed owner of a ballet company, Lermontov. He was fantastic! The film is an artistic portrayal of the Hans Christian Anderson story, The Red Shoes. Particularly, the ballet that they produce of the same name, in the film, departs from reality to show what the ballerina, Victoria Page, is going through in her own struggle with her desires for both dance and love. It is a beautiful film, beautiful music, beautiful dance. Sad story. A classic. I love it. 4 stars

Love Actually (edited)

M: I am a sucker for things that take place in England, and this thing had an amazing cast, really amazing. We watched it edited, and it seemed to have lost a lot. It was pretty good, but not great. It didn't (and maybe couldn't) live up to its cast. 2 1/2 stars.

V: Interesting movie, with "love" looked at from many different angles. Yes, great cast. Touching, sad, romantic, sacrificing: love is a powerful and sometimes devastating motivator. I enjoyed it. 3 stars

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


M: I like it. It was fun. 3 stars.

V: Kind of fun, kind of silly. Natalie Portman's and Anthony Hopkins' talent is somewhat wasted here. Why does that girl love him so much? Is it because he is 10 feet tall, really strong, and carries a hammer? Yeah, well. And Asgard seems so out-in-space-y that it's weird. 2 stars

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Iron Man 2

M: Not as good as the first one, not even close. But not a bad movie. 3 stars

V: I super duper loved the first Iron Man. But, I also really enjoyed this one. Always been a big fan of RDJr. Scarlett Johanssen didn't even bug me in this one. Gwyneth is great. The action was great. There were a couple of dumb lines, but I still really enjoyed it. 3 1/2 stars

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Tron: Legacy

M: Ok, so in writing this review, I realize that I am accepting my fate as a big nerd, but I liked Tron. Don't get me wrong, it's not going to change your life, but I thought that it was pretty cool. It may have helped that it is the first Blue Ray movie on our new tv, and the graphics are pretty amazing (except the young computer faced clone, who just creeped me out). 3 stars

V: So, it was pretty cool to watch, graphics-wise and such. Story was meh. I liked seeing Prime Minister Blair as fabulous turn-coat. I give it 2 1/2 stars.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Dilemma

M: I was in the mood for a light movie, so we got this. It had some funny parts, some not so funny parts. Some silly parts that could happen, some dumb parts that there is no reason would ever happen. An Ok show, that's all. 2 stars

V: Kind of a bummer. A bunch of badly-behaving people being dishonest and unfaithful. Only a little bit funny - actually the funniest person was Channing Tatum - who should be the villain here, right? So . . . all morals are turned on their head. Pretty much everyone loses. And the point to all of this? I guess, don't be selfish, do be honest. But it wasn't a well-earned point. 2 stars.

Soul Surfer

M: A really good, touching movie. Worth seeing. I hope it didn't scare the kids away from swimming in the ocean (one already said she didn't want to go in the ocean anymore). We explained that he movie is about overcoming your fears. Could almost go higher, but 3 stars.

V: I admit, I cried. The movie is not about the attack- they handled that very matter-of-factly. It is about recovery and moving on - overcoming trials. It was a sweet movie about a real girl who has a remarkable story. 3 stars.