Friday, January 28, 2011

Mansfield Park

M: This is the sassy Jane Austin, with lots of loose moral behavior going on. An all-around good show. I like the heroine. I like the actor (Eli Stone guy) who played the hero, but I didn't really care for his part too much. I never really dig a show that has one of its main love interests pine for someone else the entire show only to quickly change their mind at the end. Not as romantic I guess. Plus, they didn't become filthy rich in the end, what's up with that Jane? 3 stars

V: This is the third time I've seen this. I think it is stylistically done. I like it. It is a little harsher than other Austen's, but it goes beyond the book, as the opening credits reveal. They add in some stuff from letters and journals (and maybe a few other things.) I like it. I think the hero, Edmund (aka Eli Stone) did actually love Fanny the whole time. He was caught up in social expectations and, yeah, a really pretty and seemingly charming woman. Anyway, that's what I think. 3 stars

Mega Mind

V: I kept getting a strong Colbert vibe from Megamind, though I knew it was Will Ferrell. Either way, I really liked that character. The heroine was also really likable. I really thought this was funny. I thought the bad guy went really, really bad for not a really good reason. I just didn't see his motive, nor thought he was a jerk to begin with. But, other than that little thing - I thought the movie was great! 3 1/2 stars

M: I couldn't help but compare this movie to Despicable me, which came out about the same time and is basically the same movie. Both good movies. I liked this more. 3 stars

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


V: I went in with high expectations, and I really enjoyed it. Rapunzel's character is natural and funny. Flynt is very fun. Interesting way they dealt with Dame Gothel, who had no powers but was just vain and selfish. She had a bit of an Ursula vibe, with her over-the-top broadway style. Her eyes were a little too huge, it was distracting. It was a very fun, very cute movie. 3 1/2 stars

M: I really loved it. Beautifully made. Great characters, and interesting take on a classic. A definite must see. 3 1/2 stars

Monday, January 17, 2011

Daniel Deronda

M: Enjoyable BBC version of a George Elliot classic. Different from many BBC romances, because the female love interests are so very flawed, but enjoyable still. I give it 3 stars.

V: I was excited to watch it at night. These BBC miniseries are a little addicting. I found Deronda's character intriguing - though there wasn't much Deronda in "Deronda" at first. Ultimately, M & I were happy with how it was resolved - though I wasn't totally convinced. A little too Dickensian, intricately interwoven fates and all, for my liking, but still pretty enjoyable. 2 1/2 stars.

Easy A

M: Our local movie critic, with whom we often agree, raved about Easy A. So, I brought it home. We invited family to watch it with us -- I am glad they didn't. When it was done, I apologized to V. Easy A is a play on the the novel The Scarlet Letter. Olive, played by Emma Stone, accidentally starts a rumor that she lost her virginity. The rumor grows and grows, and her reputation tumbles. Although at first, Olive embraces and enjoys her new-found notoriety, she eventually learns an important lesson (I am not sure what that lesson was). Emma Stone did a good job, she almost makes you like her very unlikable character. But, in the end, the movie is just too dirty to enjoy. It is also a bit hypocritical, which bugged me. Case in point, the "bad guys" in the movie are all overzealous and hypocritical religious folks. Fine, nobody likes a religious hypocrite. But, in labeling every character with religious belief as a bigoted "Jesus freak," this movie, at least to me, revealed its own ugly bigoted and hypocritical nature. I just didn't really care for it. 1 1/2 stars

V: Uggh. What a bummer. It just left us feeling dirty and disappointed. Emma Stone was a good actress and her parents were interesting and funny, played by a couple of my favorites: Stanley Tucci and Patricia Clarkson. But it was too - eeeaghh. There was no good reason the main character would continue to act the way she did - she was just inviting the judgment she so readily condemned. Dumb. Can't recommend it. 1 star


M: This BBC mini-series is comprised of five one hour episodes. It tells the story of the inhabitants of the town of Cranford, England. I am a bit torn. This is not a romantic or exciting movie. It has enjoyable characters which are well acted, but lacks a driving storyline to keep you interested. 2 1/2 stars.

V: I give this 3 stars.

Monday, January 10, 2011

My Fair Lady

M: Here is another movie that V introduced me to. A classic with great music and great characters. The dialogue is witty and fun. Audra Hepburn is fantastic, although it is a bit weird at time with the voice-over singing. Also, it seems to me that Professor Higgins, although enjoyably portrayed by Rex Harrison, should probably sing, instead of just talk. But, all in all, a great movie worth seeing. 3 1/2 stars

V:  I love this movie!!  I loved watching it as a kid, and I love it much more now that I understand the irony.  Cool costumes, wonderful music.  Rex Harrison is so great. This got Best Picture and Best Actor at the Oscars that year.  The dubbing in of Marnie Nixon's wonderful voice was a little rough sometimes.  But still . . . 4 stars.

Gone with the Wind

M: Believe it or not, I had never seen this movie. V finally got me to watch it. Great movie, beautifully acted. Nearly flawless. 4 stars

V:  It's a classic.  Vivienne Leigh is terrific.  I really liked Clark Gable, too.  Great acting, interesting characters.  I even enjoyed watching all the "making of" and actor biographies attached to the DVD.  4 stars.