Friday, January 28, 2011

Mega Mind

V: I kept getting a strong Colbert vibe from Megamind, though I knew it was Will Ferrell. Either way, I really liked that character. The heroine was also really likable. I really thought this was funny. I thought the bad guy went really, really bad for not a really good reason. I just didn't see his motive, nor thought he was a jerk to begin with. But, other than that little thing - I thought the movie was great! 3 1/2 stars

M: I couldn't help but compare this movie to Despicable me, which came out about the same time and is basically the same movie. Both good movies. I liked this more. 3 stars

1 comment:

Clint C. said...

Wow, 3 and 3 1/2 stars. I'm surprised. I did like it though, a lot more than I thought I would. I really got the romance between megamind and the girl. It was sweet.