Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kill Bill (Edited)

M: Kill Bill is 111 minutes long. The edited version V and I watched came in at 88 minutes. So, with 23 minutes missing, I suppose this review should be taken with a grain of salt. I didn't buy it. It was quirky, but, between the quirkiness and the editing, I didn't know what quirks were purposeful and what quirks were simply editing. Extremely violent. I mean, extremely. The editing may have made it choppy, but without the editing it would have just been vulgar. I just wasn't a fan. 2 stars.

V: So they fought a lot. And then they fought a little bit more. And sometimes when they fought they flew through the air, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon-style. And sometimes they were cartoons. So, it was kind of stylish, but otherwise, y'know, they just fought. So, yeah, meh. They fought. 2 stars.

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