Sunday, March 30, 2008

Blades of Glory

M: Will Ferrell and Jon Heder star in this show about two figure skating superstars who join together as a couple in pairs skating after being banned from male singles skating. This had some very funny stuff, including some laugh out loud moments . . . but. Crude jokes throughout ruin the show. This show had potential, not a lot of potential, but some potential. This obviously was no Napoleon Dynamite, but it was a lot better than bench warmers (Jon Heders prior films, see our full list of reviews for reviews of both). Jenna Fischer of "the Office" has a role in the movie, and though I love her in "the Office," her character in this film, the sweet likable girl, is neither sweet, nor likable. Saturday Night Live's Amy Poehler and Arrested Development's Will Arnett, both hilarious in those shows, don't do much to help this show. I can't recommend, but if you don't mind senselessly crude humor, give it a shot. 2 Stars

V: Amen to what Mike said. 2 Stars.

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