Saturday, May 29, 2010

Night at the Museum 2

V: Had no high expectations, and I thought it was pretty funny. We watched it with our girls and they liked it, too - and there wasn't anything offensive. It made for a very fun movie night. I don't remember the first one very well, but this one was a lot of fun. I laughed out loud when the little guys were stabbing peoples shoes in slow-mo during the final battle. 3 stars.

M: I agree. Funny, clean, a bit overly silly at times, but generally good fun. They did a good job having a villain that was both villainous and hilarious. A good show. Not amazing, but good. 3 stars.

1 comment:

J to the oey said...

This comment will be a continued exploration of the theme brought up in my "sherlock holmes" review about expectations. I was surprised when Scott and Phillips (the current siskel and ebert) gave this sequel a great review. So I redboxed the DVD with high hopes. I was not impressed nor was I entertained. Was it just because of my high expectations? Here is my theory. For my theory I will put movies into three categories. Great movies, mediocre movies, and lame movies. I theorize that expectations have little or no effect on my enjoyment of great movies and lame movies. Before seeing a few pixar movies I remember reading several reviews in which the praise was heaped on and I thought the movies wouldn't meet my expectations, but I still ended up loving the movies. Great movies will be enjoyed no matter what the expectations. Just like a great movie can't be hurt by high expectations, a lame movie can't be helped by low expectations. But that leaves the temperamental mediocre movies. Go into one of these puppies with the wrong expectations and kapow, there goes what could have been a fine evening. Well, I'm probably wearing out my welcome on your blog. Let me part with some practical advice. Follow the stingiest critics you can find and you will end up seeing more great movies and enjoying more mediocre movies and hopefully avoiding the lame ones.