Monday, February 23, 2009

The Oscars

M. Okay, my rant. Last night we stayed up late and watched the Oscars. Once again, they showered awards on movies nobody has seen, wants to see, or would have ever heard of if the Academy had not nominated them. It seems to me, and this is just my opinion, that the Oscars are so far removed from reality, that they have lost all of their credibility as an award show. They appear to be based strictly on politics and campaigning. What they are not, is an award for the best movies or the best actors. I don't claim to have any expertise in video editing, sound mixing, or makeup, so I won't pick on those awards. But anyone can watch a movie and know if it is good. Why then, year after year, are all the awards given to movies that nobody cares about. We haven't seen them, and if we have, we certainly don't want them in our movie collection.

I, like everyone, have gotten used to the awards going to movies portraying the most "raw" and "real" depiction of some politically hot issue. But, when a movie and actress are nominated and awarded for the portrayal of a woman's affair with a fourteen-year-old boy (I think the current term is pedophile), I have to conclude that they have gone too far. I am not saying that the awards should go to whatever movie makes the most money, or has the most explosions. I am just saying that we deserve an award ceremony for the best movies. Right now, we don't have it.

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