Friday, April 18, 2008


V: Juno, Juno, Juno. Well, I think it was interesting. I had high hopes. In the end, I thought the story was pretty good. I liked the up-close attention to the main character-- they didn't speed through her conundrum slapstick style. Interesting how some characters changed in her perception (and ours), though it may have been too clean a switch. Ellen Page was very good. The boyfriend is great, we already loved that actor. Her Dad was a highlight, funny, rude, but always loving. It had a lot of crude elements/language, so that cast a shadow over it from the beginning. However, the script was natural and original. Music was fun. It was good, not super. 3 stars

M:I had very high expectations going into this movie, which perhaps put it at an unfair disadvantage. At first, I was a bit surprised at the content (you might say, "what did you expect from a movie about teenage pregnancy," but I didn't see it coming). As the movie rolled on, I grew to really like the characters. Juno is funny, her family is dysfunctional but fun. In the end, I really liked this movie. Of course, Ellen Page did great. I really like Michael Cere (played George Michael in Arrested Development). I wish they had found a way to do more with him. I also liked Juno's dad, cracked me up. I am not going to say that this is the greatest movie of all time, it isn't. But, it is good, the characters are likable, and the content, looking back, wasn't really all that bad. Tough call, tempted to give it a 3, but I will go with . . . 3 1/2 stars.

1 comment:

Katie said...

This was Luke's first movie - he was a week and a half. Are you gonna judge us for taking our newborn son to this? Anyway, I agree whole heartedly. I loved it but then again I wouldn't want to own it because of some of the crude stuff....although I have to admit I laughed at some of it. We bought the soundtrack. "Joey never met a bike that he didn't want to ride..." and other such hits. Great movie.