Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How I Met Your Mother

M:  For hilarity, this tv show gets high marks.  For cleanliness, it gets very low marks (probably similar to Friends, from what I have seen of that show, but V says this is dirtier).  Can't really strongly recommend it for that reason.  But, it is a guilty pleasure available on Netflix.  If it wasn't quite so dirty, it could be truly legend . . . wait for it . . . dary. 3 stars


kate said...

glad yous guys are back.

Katie said...

hiyeeeeeeee! never could get into this show. maybe cause people say it was like friends and I just love friends and so I was disappointed. but I didn't give it a fair shot. and I'm embarrassed to say how much I love friends. I go back and watch it and I'm like... man, was it always this dirty?