Friday, November 18, 2011

Harry Potter 7.2

M: A very good finish to a good movie series and a classic book series. Great special effects. The thing that impressed me the most was that I never thought, wow, what a special effect. It all felt real. It has been fun to watch the actors grow up, and they were all good, especially Harry. 3 1/2 stars

V: Hooray Harry Potter! Loved the books and the movies. This was a v ery satisfying final movie. I thought it was great. There was one little thing that I would have done differently - and that was the expression on Harry's face after it's all over and he's walking through Hogwarts, which has been devastated by the last battle. He has a slight grin - I don't think that was appropriate. Some of his friends died in that battle, not to mention what an incredible toll it must have taken on him through all those years being hunted by You-Know-Who. I think I would have preferred to see him collapse and weep a little bit. Yeah, he won. But it wasn't a soccer, er, football game. What has just happened was truly horrific and ahead lies rebuilding and healing. I think soberness is called for. But maybe that's just me, I like to wallow in tragedy sometimes. It's cathartic. Okay - BUT - otherwise, a really great movie. And the effects were seamless! I loved the whole, exciting Potter series. 3 1/2 stars

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