Thursday, December 3, 2009

Yes Man

V: This movie had potential. Jim Carrey and Zoey Deschanel are a cute pairing. It had some very funny things in it and an interesting premise. Better than the "Liar, Liar" premise (also starring Jim Carrey) this guy chooses to say yes to everything, to see how it changes his life. He (and the viewers) find that saying "yes" can open up new doors and experiences. Of course, you need to say no sometimes, too, which he learns. The point is, take advantage of new opportunities and be honest with yourself. Okay. Then this old lady shows up and RUINS the entire movie. Very offensive. Maybe watch it edited, and it will be an okay show. 2 stars

M: A couple funny moments. When Jim Carrey is on, he is classic (dumb and dumber - eternal sunshine of the spotless mine), when he is off, it is just too much. He was at his best in this movie when he wasn't doing slapstick. And there were times when he and Zoey pulled it off (although she is way too young for him). When he busted out the silly, ouch. Some real disgusting and unnecessary moments take what could be fun and make it nasty. Can't recommend, but if it were cleaned up, this would be a good show. 2 stars

1 comment:

Katie said...

what is the deal with the new old lady humor... does ANYONE think that is funny? yuck. Well, i guess it's not that new. That is what ruined the Producers for me too.