Monday, December 1, 2008

Dead Again

M: V has seen this movie many times, and I have seen parts, but never all the way through. Well this past weekend we were up at the lake and sat down to watch it. This movie is good (get it edited for swearing and some violence). Robin Williams' character (which is not a major part) could be completely removed and not missed. A classic scary/mystery/fun film. 3 stars.

V: I have seen it a few times, and it is an interesting, good movie. The funny part about this viewing was that M's innocent sister (favorite movie: Pollyanna) was really pushing to watch this one over the other choices which had offensive material in it. She didn't realize that the version she'd (and I'd) seen before was edited, and was duly embarrassed by the F-bombs and violence. Ah well. I still like it. It's a creative story and artfully done. Try to see it edited if you don't love F-bombs and violence. (For me, I love that stuff!) 3 1/2 stars.

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